I ran into the same issue as described by Eric Sloof:

The problem I had was i did not have enough uplinks to create a new dvSwitch to get the tunnel to work.  For the tunnel to work, the geneve traffic has to leave the host and get routed back in. I had a layer 3 physical switch and decided to make use of inter-vlan routing.

Once logged into the switch:

  1. Enable ip routing
console(config)#ip routing
  1. Create an SVI(Switch Virtual Interface) for each vlan
console(config)#interface vlan 50
console(config)#ip address
console(config)#interface vlan 60
console(config)#ip address
  1. You can further restrict ip routes using ACLs

Login to NSX-T

  1. System->Fabric->Profiles->Uplink Profiles: Ensure the correct transport vlan is configured for the overlay uplink profile and the edge overlay uplink profile. In my case, vlan 50 and vlan 60.
  2. Networking->Ip Address Pools->Add/Edit overlay TEP ip address pool->Subnets-> Ensure the gateway is specified. In my case
  3. Networking->Ip Address Pools->Add/Edit Edge TEP ip address pool->Subnets-> Ensure the gateway is specified. In my case
  4. System->Fabric->Nodes->Edge Trasnport Nodes->Edit/Add Edge->Ensure the correct transport zone and the Edge TEP ip pool is selected.

Edit: This blog explains TEP ip addressing perfectly, https://spillthensxt.com/nsx-t-tep-ip-addressing/