System information in Linux?

What is the equivalent of msinfo32 in Linux? lshw For PCI devices? lspci For USB devices? lsusb For listing files :D ls To find whether you are running on a 64 bit or 32 bit kernel? uname -m "x86\_64" is returned for a 64bit OS

July 23, 2011 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Secure Copy

Secure Copy or scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh. Syntax to copy a file from one linux host to another host that has ssh enabled: scp -v [path to local file] [remote server username]@[hostname/IP]:/[Destination Folder Path] ``` For e.g.: ``` scp -v /tmp/test.txt root@ ```

May 11, 2011 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

There are stopped jobs?

Seen this error, There are stopped jobs, when exiting/logging out of the terminal window? Well, as I’ve come to know, this is to do with linux jobs. In order to see the current stopped jobs, type the command, jobs To send an existing program that you are working on to the background and continue working at the shell prompt, use, ctrl+z. To continue with the program that you have sent to the background, use the command, fg ....

April 12, 2011 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Ubuntu Keyring?

Had this crazy issue with the Gnome keyring. Well, it just kept telling me that the login keyring does not match the login password! Anyway, what is the keyring? GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user’s security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data isencrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user’s home folder. The default keyring uses the login password for encryption, so users don’t need to remember yet another password....

April 10, 2011 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Installing JAVA plugin for Chrome in Ubuntu x64

Download the JRE binary file from Extract the contents of the x64 binary file you have downloaded. In order to do that, Run the command, > chmod +x jre-6u24-linux-x64.bin Type, > ./jre-6u24-linux-x64.bin The files are extracted to a folder within the same folder where you have downloaded the binary file. Move the folder to any desired location. For e.g. > /opt/jre1.6.0_24_ Run the following command to create the plugins directory, > sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins_ Change directory into the plugins folder, > cd /opt/google/chrome/plugins/ Create a softlink to the java library file, > sudo ln -s /opt/jre1....

April 8, 2011 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni