To check if the vShield endpoint driver is installed in Windows we can use the following command, sc query type= driver | find "vsepflt"

To automate the above script across all Windows VMs in the vCenter Server

  1. Launch the PowerCLI shell and connect to the vCenter Server:
Connect-VIServer [vcenter server ip\fqdn]
  1. Copy the below script to a text file and name the file with “.PS1” extension. For eg. “script.PS1” Replace “Domain\User” and “Password” in the below script to a user account that has permissions to log into the VM’s.
$vms=GET-VM |  Where-Object {$\_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }

ForEach($vm in $vms)
    if (Get-VMguest -VM $vm | Where-Object {$\_.OSFullName -like "\*Microsoft\*"})
        Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -GuestUser "Domain\\User" -GuestPassword "Password" -ScriptText "sc query type= driver | find \`"vsepflt\`" " -ScriptType bat | format-list vm,name,ScriptOutput
  1. Run the script. For eg. c:\script.PS1

So what does the script do?

  1. Get a list of  VM’s that are powered on in vCenter Server.
  2. For each of the powered on VM’s:
  • Check if the VM is configured to run a Windows OS
  • Run the windows script to check if the driver is installed in the VM
  • Print the output of the script along with the VM’s name