I passed the VCP-AM exam today! Yay!
This exam consists of 55 multiple choice questions with a passing score of 300/500.

Key tech relevant to the certification

  • vSphere with Tanzu
  • Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Tanzu Mission Control
  • Kubernetes

Experience and Prepration

Started by going through the exam blueprint here

vSphere with Tanzu
I have installed and troubleshot vSphere with Tanzu; deployed and played with Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters along with enabling the harbor image registry, pushing container images and deploying pods from the harbor registry.
Prep: None

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
Did not have a lot of hands-on expertise.
Prep: Went through the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.4 documentation https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Kubernetes-Grid/index.html

Tanzu Mission Control
No hands-on experience as this is a saas offering.
Prep: There is an excellent Hands On Lab here

Learnt kubernetes about a year back - v1.19 and completed the CKA exam
Prep: None


  • Do not breeze through the TMC HOL. Pay attention to the different UI Options.
  • Pay attention to the key roles and permissions in TMC and TKG.
  • Kubernetes: Revise Deploymnets, ReplicaSets, Services, Ingress, Persistent Volumes, Config Maps and Secrets.
  • vSphere with Tanzu - Focus on configuraiton when enabling workload management on a vSphere Cluster
  • All the best!